Vladimir Iliescu
University of Aachen

Thracomanie et Protochronisme, deux formes de manipulation idéologique du totalitarisme de Ceausescu

In July 1971 Ceausescu changed his politics and started the so-called Cultural Revolution. His targets were to replace the staff of Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej, the former general secretary of the party - at least at the higher level - and to eliminate all Soviet respectively Russian influence in Romania, in order to assure his dictatorship for life. That for he tried to win the support of the Romanians by exacerbating their national feelings. So he accepted and promoted two non-socialistic myths: the Thracomania and the Protochronism. The first was destinated to the low educated crowds of  people, while the second, the Protochronism, an elitist one, was conceived only for the Romanian intelligentsia. The means used to propagate these ideas were so fantastic as the myths themselves!