Manfred Kienpointner
University of Innsbruck

Racist propaganda within German, Dutch, French and Italian post-fascist traditions

In my paper, I first would like to try to provide definitions of the central concepts "propaganda", "ideology", "racism" and "right wing populism"; at the same time, I will discuss some theoretical problems of providing "objective" accounts of racist manipulation. Then I would like to analyze parallels and contrasts between racist propaganda (in public speeches, web sites, campaign posters and books) as produced by leading representatives of right-wing populist parties in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and France (Joerg Haider, Ronald Schill, Pim Fortuyn, Umberto Bossi, Jean-Marie Le Pen).

More particularly, I will try to show how different linguistic, cultural, historical and political backgrounds force these protagonists of the new right to apply different rhetorical strategies for achieving their political goals. Two types of argument schemes (the pragmatic argument and illustrative examples) and the use of metaphors will be dealt with in some detail.