Selected publications

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Wehrli, E., Nerima, L., Seretan, V., and Scherrer Y. (2009). On-line and off-line translation aids for non-native readers. In Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pages 299–303, Mrągowo, Poland.

Michou, A., and Seretan, V. (2009). A tool for multi-word expression extraction in Modern Greek using syntactic parsing. In Proceedings of the Demonstrations Session at EACL 2009, pages 45–48, Athens, Greece.

Wehrli, E., Nerima, L., and Scherrer Y. (2009). Deep linguistic multilingual translation and bilingual dictionaries. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 90–94, Athens, Greece.

Wehrli, E., Seretan, V., Nerima, L., and Russo, L. (2009). Collocations in a rule-based MT system: A case study evaluation of their translation adequacy. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Machine Translation, pages 128–135, Barcelona, Spain.

Seretan, V., and Wehrli, E. (2009). Multilingual collocation extraction with a syntactic parser. Language Resources and Evaluation, 43(1):71–85. DOI: 10.1007/s10579-008-9075-7.

Genest, P.-E., Lapalme, G., Nerima, L., and Wehrli, E. (2008). Ness: a Symbolic Summarizer for the Update Task of TAC 2008, in Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC 2008), Gaithersburg, MD.

Goldman, J.-P., Auchlin, A., Simon, A.-C., and Avanzi, M. (2008). ProsoReport: an automatic tool for prosodic description. Application to a radio style. Speech Prosody 2008 , Campinas, Brésil.

Goldman, J.-P. (2008). Measuring and synthetising expressivity. Some tools to analyse and simulate phonostyle. EMUS atelier-satellite de Speech Prosody’08.

Henderson, J., Merlo P., Musillo, G., and Titov, I. (2008). A Latent Variable Model of Synchronous Parsing for Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies. In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL’08), Manchester, UK, pp. 178-182.

Kauffmann, A. (2008). Description de la structure de la phrase japonaise en vue d'une analyse syntaxique. In Recital 2008, Avignon, France.

Leoni de León, J. A., Schwab, S. and Wehrli, E. (2008). Análisis sintáctico profundo del español: un ejemplo del procesamiento de secuencias idiomáticas. XXIV Congreso de la SEPLN 2008, Madrid, Spain, pp. 37-44.

van der Plas, L., Tiedemann, J., and Manguin, J.-L. (2008). Extraction de Synonymes à Partir d’un Corpus Multilingue Aligné. In Proceedings of the 5èmes Journées de Linguistique de Corpus.

van der Plas, L., and Tiedemann, J. (2008). Using Lexico-Semantic Information for Query Expansion in Passage Retrieval for Question Answering. In Proceedings of the Coling 2008 Workshop: Information Retrieval for Question Answering.

van der Plas, L. (2008). Automatic Lexico-Semantic Acquisition for Question Answering. Groningen Dissertations in Linguistics, ISBN 978-90-367-3564-3.

Manguin, J.-L., van der Plas, L., and Tiedemann, J., (2008). Le Traitement Automatique : un Moteur pour l’Evolution des Dictionnaires de Synonymes. Proceedings of the Colloque International Lexicographie et Informatique : Bilan et Perspectives, pp 27-33.

Merlo P., and Musillo, G. (2008). Semantic Parsing for High-Precision Semantic Role Labelling, In Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL’08), August 2008, Manchester, UK, pp. 1-8.

Musillo, G., and Merlo P. (2008). Unlexicalised Hidden Variable Models of Split Dependency Grammars, In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistic (ACL-HLT’08), Columbus, Ohio, pp. 213-216.

Nerima, L., and Wehrli, E. (2008). Generating Bilingual Dictionaries by Transitivity. In Proceedings of the LREC’08 Conference, Marrakech.

Obin, N., Goldman, J.-P., Avanzi, M., and Lacheret, A. (2008). Comparaison de trois outils de détection automatique de proéminences en français parlé, Journées d’Etudes sur la Parole 2008, Avignon, France.

Scherrer Y. (2008). Transducteurs à fenêtre glissante pour l’induction lexicale. In Recital 2008, Avignon, France. (Prix ATALA du meilleur papier jeune chercheur 2008).

Scherrer Y. (2008). Part-of-speech tagging with a symbolic full parser: Using the TIGER treebank to evaluate Fips. Workshop on Parsing German, ACL 2008, Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Schwab, S., Miller, J.L., Grosjean, F. & Mondini, M. (2008). Effect of speaking rate on the identification of word boundaries, Phonetica, 65, 173-186, 2008. Full refereed papers in Conference Proceedings.

Schwab S., Racine, I. & Goldman, J.-P. (2008). Les Vaudois parlent-ils réellement plus lentement que les Parisiens? Un début de réponse. Phonologie du français contemporain: variation, interfaces, cognition. Journées PFC, Paris.

Schwab, S. (2008). Relationship between Speech Rate Production and Perception. Workshop on Empirical Approaches to Speech Rhythm, Center for Human Communication, UCL.

Seretan, V. (2008). Collocation Extraction Based on Syntactic Parsing. Ph.D. thesis, University of Geneva.

Simon, A.-C, Avanzi, M., and Goldman, J.-P. (2008). La détection des proéminences syllabiques. Un aller-retour entre l’annotation manuelle et le traitement automatique. In 1er Congrès mondial de la Linguistique Française, Paris, France.

Simon, A.-C, Auchlin, A., Avanzi, M., and Goldman, J.-P. (2008). Les phonostyles: une description prosodique des styles de parole en français. Association of French Language Studies.

Wehrli, E., and Nerima, L. (2008). Traduction multilingue: le projet MulTra. In Proceedings of the JEP – TALN – RECITAL Conference, Avignon, France.

Avanzi, M., Goldman, J.-P., Lacheret-Dujour, A. Simon, A.-C., and Auchlin, A. (2007). Méthodologie et algorithmes pour la détection automatique des syllabes proéminentes dans les corpus de français parlé. Cahiers of French Language Studies, 12/2.

Goldman, J.-P., and Avanzi, M. (2007). Vers un algorithme de détection (semi)automatique des proéminences en français parlé, In Proceedings of Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Parole, pp 84-88, Paris, France.

Goldman, J.-P., Avanzi, M., Simon, A.-C., Lacheret, A., and Auchlin, A. (2007). A Methodology For The Automatic Detection of Perceived Prominent Syllables In Spoken French, Proceedings of Interspeech Conference, Anvers, Belgium.

Goldman, J.-P., Auchlin, A. Simon, A.-C. & Avanzi, M. (2007). Phonostylographe, un outil de description des phonostyles prosodiques. Chroniques radiophoniques et style lu. Nouveaux Cahiers de Linguistique Française, 28:219-237.

Gotti, F., Lapalme, G., Nerima, L., and Wehrli, E. (2007). GOFAISUM: A Symbolic Summarizer for DUC. In Proceedings of the Document Understanding Conference DUC 2007, Rochester, New York, USA.

Pallotta, V., Seretan, V., and Ailomaa, M. (2007). User requirements analysis for Meeting Information Retrieval based on query elicitation. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2007), pages 1008–1015, Prague, Czech Republic.

Scherrer Y. (2007). Adaptive String Distance Measures for Bilingual Dialect Lexicon Induction. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2007 Student Research Workshop, pages 55-60, Prague, Czech Republic.

Schwab, S. (2007). «Les variables temporelles dans la production et la perception de la parole». Ph.D. Thesis, University of Geneva.

Seretan, V., and Wehrli, E. (2007). Collocation translation based on sentence alignment and parsing. In Actes de la 14e conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2007), pages 401-410, Toulouse, France. (Best Paper Award).

Wehrli, E. (2007). Fips, a Deep Linguistic Multilingual Parser. In Proceedings of the ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Parsing, pages 120-127, Prague, Czech Republic.

Leoni de León, J. A., and Michou, A. (2006). Traitement des clitiques dans un environnement multilingue, In Actes de la 13e conférence sur le traitement des langues naturelles (Taln 2006) , pages 541- 550, Louvain.

Merlo P., and Esteve Ferrer, E. (2006). The Notion of Argument in PP Attachment. Computational Linguistics, 32(3), 341—378.

Musillo, G., and Merlo, P. (2006). Accurate Parsing of the Proposition Bank. In Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL'06), New York City, USA.

Musillo, G., and Merlo, P. (2006). Robust Parsing of the Proposition Bank, In Proceedings of the Fourth International EACL-2006 Workshop: Robust Methods in Analysis of Natural Language Data (ROMAND'06), Trento, Italy, April 2006.

Nerima L., Seretan, V., and Wehrli, E. (2006). Le problème des collocations en TAL. In Nouveaux cahiers de linguistique française, 27(2006):95–115.

Seretan, V., and Wehrli, E. (2006). Accurate collocation extraction using a multilingual parser. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (COLING/ACL 2006), pages 953–960, Sydney, Australia.

Seretan, V., and Wehrli, E. (2006). Multilingual collocation extraction: Issues and solutions. In Proceedings or COLING/ACL Workshop on Multilingual Language Resources and Interoperability, pages 40–49, Sydney, Australia.

Wehrli, E. (2006). TwicPen : Hand-held Scanner and Translation Software for non-Native Readers In Proceedings of the COLING/ACL 2006 Interactive Presentation Sessions,pages 61-64, Sydney, Australia.

L'haire, S. (2005). Basic semantic error detection by sentence comparison (poster). In: CALL, WELL and TELL: Fostering autonomy. EUROCALL 2005 conference. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 24-28 August 2005. p. 152.

Merlo P., and Musillo, G. (2005). Accurate Function Parsing. In Procs of the Conference on Empirical Methods in NLP (EMNLP 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 620-627.

Musillo, G., and Merlo, P. (2005). Lexical and Structural Biases for Function Parsing. International Workshop on Parsing Technologies (IWPT 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 83-93

Musillo, G., and Merlo, P. (2005). Assigning Function Labels to Unparsed Text, In Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP 2005), Borovetz, Bulgaria, 340--347.

Seretan, V. (2005). Induction of Syntactic Collocation Patterns from Generic Syntactic Relations. In Proceedings of Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2005), pages 1698-1699, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Vandeventer Faltin, A., L'haire S., and Ndiaye, M. (2005). A spell checker for language learners of French and a learner corpus(poster). In: CALL, WELL and TELL: Fostering autonomy. EUROCALL 2005 conference. Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. 24- 28 August 2005. p. 153.

Merlo, P., S. Stevenson. (2004). "Structure and Frequency in Verb Classification", Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Venice, Italy (volume to appear).

Laenzlinger, C. (2004). ‘The Feature-based Theory of Adverb Syntax’. In Austin, Jennifer R., Stefan Engelberg, Gisa Rauh (éds.). Adverbials. The Interplay between Meaning, Context and Syntactic Structure. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins, 205-252.

Laenzlinger, C. (2004). French Adjective Ordering: Perspectives on DP-internal Movement Types. Lingua. 115/5, 645-689.

Ndiaye, M., Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2004). Correcteur orthographique adapté à l’apprentissage du français, BULAG (Bulletin de linguistique général et appliquée), n° 29, p. 117-134.

Schneider, G. (2004). Combining Shallow and Deep Processing for a Robust, Fast, Deep-Linguistic Dependency Parser. ESSLLI 2004 Workshop on Combining Shallow and Deep Processing for NLP, Nancy, France.

Walther Green, C. (2004). FreeText: A CALL system for French featuring NLP tools for a smart treatment of authentic documents and free production exercises. In M. Kelleher, A. Haldane and E. Kruizinga (eds.), Researching Technology for Tomorrow’s Learning: Insights from the European research community, Bilthoven: CIBIT Consultants/Educators.

L'haire S. (2004). Vers un feedback plus intelligent. Les enseignements du projet Freetext. In Journée d'étude de l'ATALA. TAL & Apprentissage des langues. 22 octobre 2004, Grenoble. Actes. 1-12.

Seretan V., Nerima L. ,E. Wehrli. (2004). "Multi-word collocation extraction by syntactic composition of collocation bigrams", in Nicolas Nicolov et al. (eds), Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing III: Selected Papers from RANLP 2003, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 91-100.

Seretan V., Nerima L., E. Wehrli. (2004). A Tool for Multi-Word Collocation Extraction and Visualization in Multilingual Corpora. In Proceedings of the Eleventh EURALEX International Congress (EURALEX 2004), pages 755-766, Lorient, France.

Seretan V., Nerima L., E. Wehrli. (2004). Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification. In Proceedings of International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2004), pages 1871-1874, Lisbon, Portugal.

E. Wehrli. (2004). "Un modèle multilingue d'analyse syntaxique", in A. Auchlin, M. Burger, L. Filliettaz, A. Grobet, J. Moeschler, L. Perrin, C. Rossari et L. de Saussure (éd.) Structures et discours, Mélanges offerts à Eddy Roulet, Montréal, Nota bene, 2004, 311-329.

E. Wehrli. (2004). "Traduction, traduction de mots, traduction de phrases", in B. Bel et I. Marlien (éd.), Actes du XIe Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, 2004, 483-491.

Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2003). Syntactic Error Diagnosis in the context of Computer Assisted Language Learning. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Geneva.

Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2003). "Natural language processing tools for computer assisted language learning". Linguistik Online. Vol. 17.

L'haire, S., and Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2003). "Error diagnosis in the FreeText project". In T. Heift & M. Schulze (eds.), Special Issue Error Analysis and Error Correction in Computer-Assisted Language Learning, CALICO, 20(3): 481-495.

L'haire S., and Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2003). "Diagnostic d'erreurs dans le projet FreeText", ALSIC 6(2): 21-37.

Ndiaye, M., and Vandeventer Faltin, A. (2003). "A spell checker tailored to language learners". C.A.L.L. Journal. Vol 16(2-3): 213-232.

Wehrli, E. (2003). Translation of Words in Context, Actes de la conférence MT-Summit IX, New Orleans, 2003, p. 502-504.

Merlo, P. (2003). Generalised PP-attachment Disambiguation using Corpus-based Linguistic Diagnostics, Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'03), Budapest, Hungary, 251--258.

Nerima L., Seretan, V., and E. Wehrli. (2003). Creating a Multilingual Collocation Dictionary from Large Text Corpora. In Proceedings of the Research Note Sessions of the 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL'03), pages 131-134, Budapest, Hungary. 

Seretan V., Nerima L., Wehrli, E. (2003). Extraction of multi-word collocations using syntactic bigram composition. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in NLP (RANLP-2003), pages 424–431, Borovets, Bulgaria. 

Merlo P., S. Stevenson, V. Tsang and G. Allaria (2002) "A Multilingual Paradigm for Automatic Verb Classification", Procs. of the 40th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'02).

Laenzlinger, C., and J. Mengon. (2002). "A Generic Multilingual Parser for Multiple NLP Applications". Dans Proceedings of the 34th Linguistics Colloquium Germersheim 1999, Peter Lang, 735-743.

Goldman J-P. (2002). «De l'analyse syntaxique dans la synthèse automatique de la parole: le système FipsVox, sa phonétisation et sa génération de la prosodie». Cahiers de linguistique française, n°23, pp.211-234.

P. Mertens, A. Auchlin, J-P. Goldman, and A. Grobet. (2002). «L’intonation du discours : une implémentation par balises ; motifs et premiers résultats» Cahiers de linguistique française, n°23, pp 189-209.

Vandeventer Faltin, A., and Ndiaye, M. (2002). "A spell checker tailored to language learners". In Colpaert, J., Decoo, W., Simons, M. & van Bueren, S. (eds). Proceedings of the 2002 CALL conference: CALL professionals and the future of CALL research. Antwerp, University of Antwerp. August 2002. p. 315-329.

Merlo P., S. Stevenson. (2001). "Automatic Verb Classification based on Statistical Distribution of Argument Structure", Computational Linguistics,  27:3, pp. 373--408.

Goldman J-P., A. Gaudinat, L. Nerima, E. Wehrli. (2001). FipsVox : a French TTS based on a syntactic parser. Speech Synthesis Workshop . Edinburgh.

Mertens P., Goldman J-P., E. Wehrli, Gaudinat A. (2001). La synthèse de l'intonation à partir de structures syntaxiques riches, TAL 42, 145-192.

Granger S., Vandeventer A., and Hamel M.-J. (2001). "Analyse de corpus d'apprenants pour l'ELAO basé sur le TAL". Traitement Automatique des Langues: Linguistique de Corpus. Vol 42(2). p. 609-621.

Vandeventer, A. (2001). "Creating a grammar checker for CALL by constraint relaxation: A feasibility study". ReCALL. Vol 13(1). p. 110-120.

Vandeventer, A. (2000). Diagnostic d'erreur grammaticales par relâchement de contraintes dans le cadre de l'ELAO. In Proceedings of TALN 2000, 7eme conférence annuelle sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Lausanne (Switzerland), pages 357-366.

Vandeventer A., and Hamel, M.-J. (2000). "Reusing a syntactic generator for CALL purposes". ReCALL. Vol 12(1). p. 79-91.

Vandeventer A. (2000). "Research on NLP-based CALL at the University of Geneva". TELL&call. April 2000. p. 10-13.

Hamel, M.-J., and Vandeventer A. (2000). "Adapter un analyseur syntaxique et l'intégrer dans un système d'ELAO: le cas de FIPSGram dans SAFRAN". In Laurier, M. & Duquette L. (eds). Apprendre une langue dans un environnement multimédia. Montréal: Editions Logiques. p. 117-136.

Wehrli, E. (2000). "Parsing and Collocations", in D. Christodoulakis (éd.) Natural Language Processing - NLP 2000, Springer-Verlag, 272-282.

L'haire, S., J. Mengon, and Laenzlinger, C. (2000). Outils génériques et transfert hybride pour la traduction automatique sur Internet, Actes de la Conférence TALN 2000, Lausanne, p. 253-262.

Laenzlinger, C., L'haire S., and Mengon, J. (2000), Generic Parsing and Hybrid Transfer for Automatic Translation, NLP2000 - Proceedings. Patras, p.304-314.

Goldman J-P.,Gaudinat, A. , and E. Wehrli (2000). Utilisation de l’analyse syntaxique pour la synthèse de la parole, l’enseignement des langues et l’étiquetage grammatical, TALN 2000, Lausanne.

Vandeventer, A. (1999). FIPSGram: A Tool to Create Sentence Structure Representations for CALL. In Proceedings of the JILA'99 cibference. Travaux du LILLA. Nice. June 1999. p. 272 275.

Etchegoyhen, T., Mengon, J., Vandeventer A., and Wehrle, T. (1999). Une approche efficace à la génération multilingue: Le système GBGen. In Proceedings of the GAT'99 conference. GRESEC, Université Stendhal-Grenoble 3, Grenoble. September 1999. p. 135-144.

Gaudinat, A. , Goldman J-P., H. Kabre, and Wehrli, E. (1999). Syntax-Based French-English Speech-to-Speech Translation on Restricted Domains, Actes de la conférence EACL99.

Gaudinat, A. , Goldman J-P.& Wehrli E. (1999). Syntax-Based Speech Recognition: How a Syntactic Parser Can Help a Recognition System, Actes de la conférence EuroSpeech, Budapest, Hungary, vol.4, p.1587-159.

Goldman J-P., Laenzlinger, C., and E. Wehrli (1999). La phonétisation de plus, tous et de certains nombres : une analyse phono-syntaxique. TALN juillet 99, Cargèse.

Hamel, M.-J., and Vandeventer, A. (1998). FIPSGram: un analyseur syntaxique dans un contexte d'ELAO. In Proceedings of the NLP+IA'98/TAL+AI'98 conference. Moncton, New Brunswick. August 1998. p. 18-24.

Vandeventer, A. (1998). An Automatic System for Error Diagnosis in CALL. In Proceedings of the NLP+IA'98/TAL+AI'98 conference. Moncton, New Brunswick. August 1998. p. 77-83.

Vandeventer, A. (1998). Le point sur l'Action de Recherche Partagée (ARP): TALN et Apprentissage du Français: le projet SAFRAN. In AUPELF-UREF. Réseau FRANcophone de l'Ingénierie de la Langue (FRANCIL): Lettre d'information n°13. October 1998. p. 2 3.

Gaudinat,A. , Goldman J-P., and E. Wehrli (1998). Le système de synthèse FIPSVox:syntaxe, phonétisation et prosodie, XXIIèmes JEP, juin 98, Martigny, Switzerland, pp.139-142.

E. Wehrli (1998). Translating Idioms. COLING-98, Montréal, 1388-1392.

Laenzlinger, C. (1998). "Les outils TALN du LATL sur Internet", Langues, vol. 1, no 1, 82-85.

Yvon, F., Boula de Mareuil, P., d'Alessandro,C., Auberge, V., Bagein, M., Bailly, G., Bechet, F., Foukia, S., Goldman J-P., Keller, E., Pagel, V., Sannier, F., Veronis, J., O'Shaughnessy, Wehrli E., D., Zellner, B. (1998). 'Objective evaluation of grapheme to phoneme conversion for Text-To-Speech synthesis in French. Computer Speech and Language'. Special Issue on Evaluation, Vol 12, No. 3.

Berthouzoz, C. et P. Merlo (1997). Statistical Ambiguity Resolution for Principle-Based Parsing, Actes de RANLP-2, Tzigov Chark/Bulgarie, pp.179-186.

Berthouzoz, C. et P. Merlo (1997). Filtrage Structurel versus Filtrage Statistique: Expériences sur la Résolution de l'Ambiguité syntaxique, Actes des 1ères JST FRANCIL, Avignon/France, pp.353-359.

Gaudinat,A., and E. Wehrli (1997). Analyse syntaxique et synthèse de la parole: le projet FIPSVox, TA-Informations.

Goldman J-P., and E. Wehrli (1997). Deriving prosodic patterns from syntactic structures : the case of extraposition, clefts and extraposition, ESCA workshop on  Intonation : Theory, Models and Applications, eds Botinis A., september 1997, Athens, Greece, pp.153-156.

Walther, C. (1997). Modularity and Natural Language Parsing. Editions systèmes et informations, Genève.

Wehrli, E. et J.-L. Cochard (1997). Spoken Language Translation with the ITSVox System, Actes de l'atelier ELSNET ``Spoken Language Translation'', ACL/EACL-97, Madrid.

Wehrli, E. (1997). L'analyse syntaxique des langues naturelles: problèmes et méthodes. Masson, Paris.

Campone, I. et E. Wehrli (1996). Le traitement des expressions figées dans l'analyseur FIPS, Actes de la conférence TALN-96, 210-219.

Walther, C. et E. Wehrli (1996). "Une base de donnees lexicale multilingue interactive", in A. Clas, P. Thoiron et H. Béjoint (éd.) Lexicomatique et dictionnairiques, FMA Beyrouth, AUPELF-Uref, 327-336.

Laenzlinger, C., M. Ulmann, and E. Wehrli (1996). Arguments desperately seeking interpretation: parsing German infinitives, COLING-96, 681-686.

Wehrli, E. (1996). ITSVox, in Expanding MT Horizons, Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, 247-251.

Merlo, P. (1996). Parsing with Principles and Classes of Information, Kluwer Academic Press.

Ulmann, M. (1995). Decomposing German Compound Nouns, Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Tzigov Chark, Bulgarie, 265-270.

Laenzlinger, C., M. Ulmann et E. Wehrli (1995). L'analyse des langues (non)-configurationelles: le cas de l'ordre des mots en allemand, Le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, Marseille, 230-237.

Wehrli, E. et R. Clark (1995). Natural language processing, lexicon and semantics, Methods of Information in Medicine, 34.1, 68-74.

Wehrli, E. (1994). "Traduction interactive: problèmes et solutions (?)", in A. Clas et P. Bouillon (ed.), TA-TAO : Recherches de pointe et applications immédiates, Monréal, Aupelf-Uref, 333-.

Merlo, P. (1993). For an Incremental Computation of Intrasentential Coreference, Actes de la conférence IJCAI-93, 1216-1222.

Laenzlinger, C. et E. Wehrli (1993). Théorie linguistique et traitement automatique du langage, in P. Bouillon et A. Clas (éd.) , La traductique, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal,199-211.

Ramluckum, M. et E. Wehrli (1993). ITS-2 : an interactive personal translation system, Actes du colloque de l'EACL, 476-477.

Wehrli, E. (1993). "Vers un système de traduction interactif", in P. Bouillon et A. Clas (éd.), La Traductique, Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 423-432.

Wehrli, E. (1993). Représentation lexicale et TAO, Cahiers de linguistique française no 14, Université de Genève, 53-68.

Stowell, T. et E. Wehrli (éd.) (1992). Syntax and the Lexicon, ouvrage édité, volume 26 de la collection `Syntax and Semantics', Academic Press.

Wehrli, E. (1992). "The IPS system", in C. Boitet (éd) Actes du quinzième colloque international en linguistique informatique COLING-92, GETA, 870-874.

Laenzlinger, C. et E. Wehrli (1991). FIPS : Un Analyseur interactif pour le français, TA Informations, 32:2, 35-49.


Documents relatifs aux différents projets



Wehrli, E. (1992). 'The IPS system', in C. Boitet (éd) Actes du quinzième colloque international en linguistique informatique COLING-92, GETA, 870-874.


Campone, I. et E. Wehrli (1996). `Le traitement des expressions figées dans l'analyseur FIPS', Actes de la conférence TALN-96, 210-219.
Laenzlinger, C. et E. Wehrli (1991). 'FIPS : Un Analyseur interactif pour le français', TA Informations, 32:2, 35-49.


Laenzlinger, C., M. Ulmann, and E. Wehrli (1996). 'Arguments desperately seeking interpretation: parsing German infinitives', COLING-96, 681-686.
Laenzlinger, C., M. Ulmann et E. Wehrli (1995). 'L'analyse des langues (non)-configurationelles: le cas de l'ordre des mots en allemand', Le Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, Marseille, 230-237.
Ulmann, M. (1995). 'Decomposing German Compound Nouns', Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Tzigov Chark, Bulgarie, 265-270.



Gaudinat, A., and E. Wehrli (1997). 'Analyse syntaxique et synthèse de la parole: le projet FIPSVox', TA-Informations.

Gaudinat, A., Goldman J-P., and E. Wehrli (1998). 'Le système de synthèse FIPSVox:syntaxe, phonétisation et prosodie', XXIIèmes JEP, juin 98, Martigny, Switzerland, pp. 139-142.

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